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SEO Costs For Canada in 2024

What does SEO stand for?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility and relevance of a website or a web page in the organic (unpaid) results of a search engine, such as Google, Bing and other seach engines. SEO is important for businesses because it can help them attract more qualified traffic, leads, and customers, as well as increase their brand awareness and credibility.

However, SEO is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the cost of SEO can vary widely depending on many factors, such as the type of SEO service, the scope and duration of the project, the competitiveness of the industry, and the quality and experience of the SEO agency. Therefore, it can be challenging to find the best SEO pricing for your business needs and budget.

That’s why we have created this comprehensive and updated guide on SEO pricing in 2024, based on the latest data and trends.

In this guide, we will cover the following topics:

SEO Pricing Models
How do SEO agencies charge for their services, and what are the pros and cons of each model?
SEO Costs by Service
How much do different SEO tasks cost, such as consulting, keyword research, technical audits, content creation, link building, etc.?
SEO Costs by Industry
How much does SEO cost for different industries, such as e-commerce, healthcare, education, etc.?
SEO Trends and Predictions for 2024
What are the upcoming changes and challenges in the SEO landscape, and how will they affect the SEO costs and strategies for businesses?

By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how much SEO costs, and how to choose the best SEO pricing for your business goals and budget.

Breakdown Of SEO Cost’s In Canada

SEO Pricing Models

There are three main SEO pricing models that SEO agencies use to charge for their services: monthly retainer, project-based, and hourly. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best one for your business depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here is a comparison of the three SEO pricing models:

1. Monthly Retainer

A monthly retainer is a fixed fee that you pay to an SEO agency every month for a set of agreed-upon SEO services. This is the most common and preferred SEO pricing model, as it provides a long-term and consistent relationship between the client and the agency, and allows for a more strategic and comprehensive approach to SEO. The reason this works so well for brands is that SEO is a longterm marketing tactic that requires diligent work over time to dominate competitive rankings.

The pros of a monthly retainer are:

  • You get a dedicated SEO team that works on your website on a regular basis, and can adjust and optimize the SEO strategy as needed
  • You get a clear and transparent report of the SEO activities and results every month, and can measure the return on investment (ROI) of your SEO campaign
  • You get a more competitive and affordable SEO pricing, as you can benefit from discounts and economies of scale

The cons of a monthly retainer are:

  • Some agencies do charge 3-6 month agreements. However this is not the case everytime! Make sure to ask your agency if they are month to month.
  • You need to have a clear and realistic SEO goal and budget, and trust the SEO agency to deliver the expected results
  • You may not have full control over the SEO tasks and priorities, as the SEO agency may have other clients and projects to manage

The average monthly retainer for SEO services in 2024 is $2,500 to $5,000, according to However, the actual price can range from $500 to $20,000 or more, depending on the size and scope of the SEO project, the competitiveness of the industry, and the quality and experience of the SEO agency.


A project-based SEO pricing model is a one-time fee that you pay to an SEO agency for a specific SEO project or task, such as a website audit, a keyword research, a content creation, a link building, etc. This is a less common and less preferred SEO pricing model, as it provides a short-term and limited relationship between the client and the agency, and does not allow for a holistic and integrated approach to SEO. However, if you are very SEO savvy and manage the majority of the strategy this model could work for you. Getting an external SEO audit can show you the holes in your current strategy and suggest opportunities to capture more of your market.

The pros of a project-based SEO pricing model are:

  • You get a customized and tailored SEO service that meets your specific needs and objectives
  • You get a clear and upfront SEO pricing, and pay only for what you need and want
  • You can boost your own SEO strategy with external experts in the industry
  • You get a more flexible and independent SEO arrangement, as you can choose the SEO agency and the SEO project that you want, and end the relationship anytime

The cons of a project-based SEO pricing model are:

  • You may not get a consistent and continuous SEO support and maintenance, as the SEO agency may not be available or interested in working on your website after the project is completed
  • You may not get a comprehensive and effective SEO strategy, as the SEO project may not cover all the aspects and factors of SEO, and may not align with your overall business goals and vision
  • You may not get a reliable and accurate SEO report and analysis, as the SEO agency may not have access to your website data and performance, and may not be able to measure the impact and ROI of the SEO project

The average project-based SEO pricing in 2024 is $5,000 to $10,000, according to However, the actual price can range from $1,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the type and complexity of the SEO project, the competitiveness of the industry, and the quality and experience of the SEO agency.


An hourly SEO pricing model is a variable fee that you pay to an SEO agency or a consultant for every hour of SEO work that they do for your website. This is the least common and least preferred SEO pricing model, as it provides a sporadic and uncertain relationship between the client and the agency, and does not allow for a strategic and long-term approach to SEO. The largest risk with this style of project is

The pros of an hourly SEO pricing model are:

  • You get a flexible and transparent SEO service that you can use as needed and as desired
  • You get a direct and personal SEO communication and collaboration, as you can interact and work with the SEO agency or consultant on a regular basis
  • You get a more accountable and responsible SEO pricing, as you can track and verify the SEO hours and tasks that the SEO agency or consultant does for your website

The cons of an hourly SEO pricing model are:

  • You may not get a stable and consistent SEO quality and results, as the SEO agency or consultant may have different rates, skills, and availability
  • You may not get a clear and predictable SEO budget and outcome, as the SEO hours and tasks may vary depending on the SEO needs and challenges of your website
  • You may not get a comprehensive and integrated SEO solution, as the SEO agency or consultant may not have a complete and holistic view and understanding of your website and your business goals

The average hourly SEO pricing in 2024 is $100 to $200, according to However, the actual price can range from $50 to $500 or more, depending on the level and expertise of the SEO agency or consultant, the competitiveness of the industry, and the quality and experience of the SEO agency or consultant.

How to Choose the Best SEO Pricing Model for Your Business

As you can see, there is no definitive answer to the question of how much SEO costs, as it depends on many factors and variables. However, you can choose the best SEO pricing model for your business by considering the following questions:

  • What is your SEO goal and budget? Do you have a clear and realistic expectation of what you want to achieve and how much you are willing to spend on SEO?
  • What is your SEO scope and duration? Do you need a full-service or a specific SEO service? Do you need a long-term or a short-term SEO solution?
  • What is your SEO preference and style? Do you prefer a fixed or a variable SEO pricing? Do you prefer a dedicated or a flexible SEO team? Do you prefer a strategic or a tactical SEO approach?

Based on your answers, you can choose the SEO pricing model that suits your needs and preferences. Generally speaking, a monthly retainer is the best option for most businesses, as it provides a more competitive, comprehensive, and consistent SEO service and result. However, a project-based or an hourly SEO pricing model can also work for some businesses, especially if they have a specific or a limited SEO need or objective.

SEO Costs by Service

SEO is not a single or a simple service, but a complex and multifaceted process that involves many different tasks and activities, such as consulting, keyword research, technical audits, content creation, link building, etc. Each SEO task has its own cost and value, and the total SEO cost depends on the combination and the quantity of the SEO tasks that you need and want for your website.

Average Hourly Cost For SEO By Service

Here is a table that shows the average SEO costs by service in 2024, based on the data from All prices have been converted to Canadian dollar.

ServiceDescriptionAverage Hourly Cost
Link BuildingAn SEO agency can perform outreach to other businesses to secure links to your website.Your company’s backlink profile factors into how your site ranks in search results. Your backlink profile refers to the quantity and quality of sites that link back to your website.$35–$66
Local SEOLocal SEO helps your business become more visible in local search results and can also drive foot traffic to brick and mortars. This is an ideal strategy for localized businesses like accountants, lawyers, dentists, etc.$135–$200
Multilingual SEOMultilingual SEO is the act of optimizing web content for different languages. This can help your company appear in different markets for customers all over the world. An SEO agency can help your company determine where to target, perform keyword research for specific locations, and implement proper hreflang tags.$35–$66
On-Page (On-Site) SEOOn-page SEO focuses on optimizations on your website’s frontend. An SEO agency can assist with services like keyword research, header & title tag optimization, content creation, and other tasks that help with site visibility.$35–$66
Technical SEOTechnical SEO focuses on optimizations that are related to your website’s backend. An SEO agency can assist with optimizing your website’s architecture, speed, and other factors that impact overall performance.$35–$66
SEO Content CreationAn SEO agency can work closely with your marketing team to create quality content that helps your web pages rank higher on search engines and provides value to your target audience.$135–$200
SEO Mobile OptimizationMobile optimization is the process of ensuring that site visitors have a great, seamless experience accessing your website from their mobile devices. An SEO agency can help optimize your website for mobile by using traditional SEO tactics with a mobile spin.$35–$66

SEO Cost Breakdown By Industry

The cost of SEO services can vary significantly by industry, and understanding these variations is crucial for businesses seeking to optimize their online presence. For example, industries with higher competition levels, such as finance and insurance, often require a more substantial investment in SEO due to the need for more aggressive strategies to achieve visibility in search engine results. On the other hand, industries like healthcare or education may have lower competition and thus demand a relatively lower SEO budget.

As you can below the cost per click varies depending largely on two main factors.

  1. The industry competitors in your space
  2. The geographic location you are selling your services

The average cost for an injury lawyer costs upwards of $150-$200 per click where as many other industries such as cleaning services are only a few dollars per click ($2.00 – $6.00 CPC).

Image source: fraud blocker

Our Top Predications For SEO in 2024

As we look ahead to 2024, the role of AI in SEO is set to undergo a dramatic shift. With the advent of more advanced algorithms and machine learning, search engines will become increasingly adept at understanding user intent and delivering highly personalized results. This means that traditional keyword-based strategies may no longer be as effective, as AI algorithms prioritize content that truly satisfies user needs and preferences. As a result, businesses will need to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their target audience on a deeper level.

AI Integration

AI will continue to play a significant role in SEO strategies, with more advanced algorithms helping to optimize content, analyze user behavior, and improve search engine rankings.

As technology advances, AI will become even more crucial in SEO strategies. With the help of sophisticated algorithms, websites will be able to optimize their content and analyze user behavior at a deeper level than ever before.

One area where AI will have a profound impact is in understanding and predicting user search intent. By leveraging machine learning capabilities, search engines can better interpret the true meaning behind users’ queries and deliver more relevant results. This means that businesses investing in AI-driven SEO techniques will have an edge over their competitors when it comes to attracting highly targeted organic traffic.

Furthermore, AI-powered algorithms can crawl through vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that could inform content optimization efforts. Websites utilizing these tools can gain valuable insights into what type of content resonates with their target audience, allowing them to create more effective strategies for improving search engine rankings.

The Major Warning With AI

There is a ton of opportunity with leveraging AI content, however many of the search engine teams have expressed the importance of truly serving a users needs and providing accurate information that has been written and checked by someone who knows the topic since there is a lot of content being created that is providing information that is not factually accurate.

E-A-T and the new “E” – Expertise

The concept of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) has significantly influenced the way SEO is approached, particularly in content creation and website optimization.

Here’s how SEO is changing with a focus on E-A-T:

  1. Quality Content: Focus on comprehensive, valuable content.
  2. Authorship: Highlight author expertise and credentials.
  3. Backlinks: Seek links from reputable sources.
  4. User Experience: Ensure a positive, secure, and fast experience.
  5. Social Proof: Leverage social signals for credibility.
  6. Reviews/Testimonials: Incorporate user-generated content.
  7. Transparency: Be clear about sources and affiliations.
  8. Reputation Management: Address negative feedback promptly.
  9. Expert Contributors: Collaborate with industry leaders.
  10. Compliance/Security: Follow regulations and protect user data.

Semantic Search

As technology advances, search engines are becoming smarter and more intuitive, allowing for a more personalized and accurate search experience. Semantic search takes into account the meaning behind words and phrases, rather than just focusing on keywords. It aims to understand the user’s intent and provide relevant results that match their specific needs. By analyzing the context of a search query, semantic search goes beyond simple keyword matching. It recognizes synonyms, understands relationships between different concepts, and considers the user’s location, preferences, and previous interactions. This approach creates a more dynamic and responsive search engine that can deliver highly targeted results.

  1. Contextual Understanding: SEO now prioritizes content that matches user intent and context, rather than just keywords.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): SEO strategies must cater to conversational search queries and long-tail keywords, delivering comprehensive answers to user questions.
  3. Structured Data Markup: Implementing structured data helps search engines grasp content better, boosting visibility in rich snippets and knowledge panels.
  4. Entity-Based Optimization: Focusing on entities over keywords improves relevance in semantic search results.
  5. Content Depth and Relevance: SEO efforts concentrate on creating authoritative, detailed content aligned with semantic search’s emphasis on context.
  6. User Intent Optimization: Aligning content with various search intents—informational, navigational, transactional—boosts rankings in semantic search.
  7. User Experience Optimization: Providing a seamless user experience contributes to better performance in semantic search rankings.
  8. Voice Search Optimization: SEO strategies optimize content for voice search’s natural language queries and conversational patterns.
  9. Local and Personalized Search: Semantic search considers location and user preferences, making local SEO and personalized content crucial.

Make Sure To Ask These Questions When Hiring Your SEO Agency

  1. What previous experience does your agency have in SEO?
  2. Do you have any past experience with SEO in my industry?
  3. What tools and analytics do you use to track and measure the success of SEO campaigns, and how often will you provide reports on our website’s performance?
  4. Do I have a dedicated account manager/ team?
  5. What is your strategy for dealing with SEO challenges, such as penalties from search engines, and how will you work to recover and maintain our website’s rankings?
  6. What’s your pricing model?
  7. What’s the contract time commitment (if applicable)?
  8. What are your termination terms?
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